"Silence is the true friend that never betrays."
Well, the plan to spend time with the Aunts & Cousins had to be cancelled due to some political reviews. *Rolls eyes* Had a Twins' Outing instead! It has been quite a while since Naz & I had that. Can't wait for more of those! *smiles widely*
Most of the times, things happen without you knowing. And it's actually expected, but unexpected. Now I know why I have been feeling what I felt since few days back. And why am I saying all these here, again? OH, cause I want to? I'm feeling cranky.
I have been feeling cranky & grumpy.
Currently, I'm feeling feverish. Not sure why though. Maybe it's due to the too much intake of junk food? Well, I suppose so? Sigh.
The long weekend is over, and it's back to same old routine again! Time to stop daydreaming for four and a half days!
Silence is medication for sorrow.
Well, the plan to spend time with the Aunts & Cousins had to be cancelled due to some political reviews. *Rolls eyes* Had a Twins' Outing instead! It has been quite a while since Naz & I had that. Can't wait for more of those! *smiles widely*
Most of the times, things happen without you knowing. And it's actually expected, but unexpected. Now I know why I have been feeling what I felt since few days back. And why am I saying all these here, again? OH, cause I want to? I'm feeling cranky.
I have been feeling cranky & grumpy.
Currently, I'm feeling feverish. Not sure why though. Maybe it's due to the too much intake of junk food? Well, I suppose so? Sigh.
The long weekend is over, and it's back to same old routine again! Time to stop daydreaming for four and a half days!
Silence is medication for sorrow.